American Psychological Association (APA)
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This guide is based on the University of South Wales Guide to APA Referencing and the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition, 2010. American Psychological Association. (2010).
and here you'll learn How we can cite for different types of materials in variable cases?
Book Citation
Books with only one Author:
Colman (1999) suggests the world is full of amateur psychologists who have never studied the subject.
Reference list:
Colman, A.M. (1999). What is psychology? (4th ed.). London: Routledge.
Reference order:
1. Author’s surname,
2. Initial/s.
3. (Year).
4. Title. (In italics – initial word and any proper nouns Capitalized).
5. Edition number if relevant (ed. in round brackets)
6. Place of publication: Publisher.
Books with Two Authors:
Two aspects necessary for good research are reliability and validity (Haslam & McGarty, 1998) or Haslam and McGarty (1998) state reliability and validity...
Reference list:
Haslam, S.A., & McGarty, C. (1998). Doing psychology: An introduction to research methods and statistics. London: Sage.
Reference order:
1. Author/s surname,
2. Initial/s.
3. (Year).
4. Title. (In italics – initial word and any proper nouns
5. Edition number if relevant (ed. in round brackets)
6. Place of publication: Publisher.
Books with 3 or More Authors:
For the first citation in the text – use all authors’ names: Psychology, assert Tyson, Jones, and Elcock (2011) is “shaped by social context” (p.22). OR, for the first citation in brackets... is “shaped by social context.”(Tyson, Jones & Elcock, p.22) Thereafter: Tyson et al. (2011, p.22) assert...
Reference list:
Tyson, P.J., Jones, D., & Elcock, J. (2011). Psychology in context: Issues and debates. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Reference order:
1. Author/s surname,
2. Initial/s.
3. (Year).
4. Title. (In italics – initial word and any proper nouns capitalized)
5. Edition number if relevant (ed. in round brackets).
6. Place of publication: Publisher.
E-Books Citations
Stuart-Hamilton (2012) points out that older people have other health issues OR older people usually suffer from poorer health... (Stuart-Hamilton, 2012)
Reference list:
Stuart-Hamilton, I. (2012). The psychology of ageing: an introduction. (5th ed.). Retrieved from
Reference order:
1. Author/s surname.
2. Initial/s.
3. (Year).
4. Title. (In italics –initial word/proper nouns capitalized).
5. Edition number if relevant (ed. in round brackets).
6. Retrieved from URL or DOI.
Journal Articles Citation
Norcross and Wimpold (2011, p. 127) state that “Since the earliest days of modern psychotherapy, practitioners have realized that treatment should be tailored to the individuality of the patient and the singularity of his or her context”.
Reference list:
Norcross, J. C., and Wampold, B. E. (2011). What works for whom: Tailoring psychotherapy to the person. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 67, 127–132. DOI: 10.1002/jclp.20764 OR http://www...
Reference order:
1. Author/s surname.
2. Initial/s.
3. (Year).
4. Title of article.
5. Journal Title.
6. Volume.
7. Page numbers.
8. DOI or URL (if applicable).
Theses (published and unpublished) Citation
Published Theses:
(Greenway, 2011) or Greenway (2011) states...
Reference list:
Greenway, C. W. (2011). Children solving analogical problems: insights from a cross-sectional and micro genetic study using video analogues (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from EThOS. (
Reference order:
1. Author/s surname,
2. Initial/s.
3. (Year).
4. Title.
5. (Doctoral dissertation).
6. Retrieved from Name of Database.
7. (Accession or order number).
Unpublished Theses:
The development of children with Williams Syndrome as investigated by (Chasouris, 2008) or Chasouris (2008) is...
Reference list:
Chasouris, A. (2008). Developmental psychopathology in children with Williams syndrome. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation), University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd.
Reference order:
1. Author/s surname,
2. Initial.
3. (Year).
4. Title.
5. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation),
6. Name of institution, location.
Internet Publications Citation
Web Pages:
The Children and Young People’s Health Outcomes Forum – Mental Health Sub Group (2012) reports that smoking, drinking and drug use is likely in 11–16-year-olds who have an emotional disorder.
Reference list:
The Children and Young People’s Health Outcomes Forum – Mental Health Sub-Group. (2004). Improving children and young people’s mental health outcomes. Retrieved from Health.pdf.
Reference order:
1. Author/Corporate author.
2. (Year).
3. Title. In italics (series or reference number if applicable).
4. Retrieved from http://www
Video blog (e.g. YouTube):
...was perfectly expressed (American Psychological Association, 2014).
Reference list:
Use the uploader's name as the author. American Psychological Association. (2014, March 19). Measuring and analyzing human behavior in the world of gaming [Video file]. Retrieved from
Reference order:
1. Author. (uploader’s name).
2. (Year, month day).
3. Title.
4. [Type of medium].
5. Retrieved from.
6. URL.